The period is an important part of every woman’s life. This is the period when the body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb) and the blood flows from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and passes out of the body through the vagina.

Some women might not have any issues with it, but there are some who have a hard time when it happens. The main cause of issues are the irregular periods. These are the conditions which need to raise awareness when you experience abnormal menstrual periods:

  • Light flow – this may indicate that you have pituitary gland or thyroid problem except if you are on pills. You have to visit your doctor.
  • Sudden bleeding – this might be a sing of cervical or uterine polyps, a kind of bleeding which can indicate cancer, however, it is normal if you use pills.
  • Unbearable cramps – this may last within a couple of days, and you have to be worried because this can be a sign of a dangerous disease.
  • Abnormal or late periods – if there is no chance of pregnancy and there are abnormal periods then it may be a sign of having an abnormal imbalance, having PCOS, and irregular ovulation which can be the cause why it is hard to determine the fertile days.
  • Saturated color – if the color of the blood is a cranberry juice it means that you have normal secretion, but may be a sign of estrogen imbalance.

In case you don’t feel comfortable while your period, you will have to consult a doctor.


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