The first mentions of the use of apple cider vinegar date back to 400 B.C. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, regularly used it as a treatment for many health problems, and it’s in use today thanks to its powerful healing properties.

This article will present you 25 ways how apple cider vinegar can be used. You certainly must remember that only organic vinegar will get you these benefits.


  1. Sauces

Add apple cider vinegar in barbecue sauces to give it a unique flavor, or combine it with compact salad dressings and marinades.

  1. Juice

Apple cider vinegar is a great addition to juices and smoothies!

  1. Baking

Apple cider vinegar can be used to lift pastry without adding flavor to the food.

  1. Salads

Apple cider vinegar tastes great in a green salad! You can also make a dressing by mixing some olive oil, apple cider vinegar and additions like garlic, mustard, honey and citrus. Try this amazing dressing and you will never want to try anything else on your salads!

  1. Soups

Apple cider vinegar can be added to soups to add them an extra tangy flavor. 


  1. Sore throat

Apple cider vinegar has powerful antibacterial properties which make it an ideal choice against sore throat. Dilute it with some water in a glass and gargle the solution to relieve the pain and treat the condition.

  1. Detox

This type of vinegar is a great way to detoxify your body. It improves the circulation and cleans the liver while in the same time it eliminates toxins from the body. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium, a mineral that can eliminate mucus and clear the lymph nodes. Include apple cider vinegar in your diet to flush out all the toxins from your body.

  1. Diabetes prevention

Many studies show that apple cider vinegar reduces the blood sugar levels while in that way it prevents diabetes. The subjects in the study experienced 4-6% drop in the blood sugar levels when they took two tablespoons of this type of vinegar before going to bed.

  1. Energy boost

Everyone drinks Red Bull or Monster to boost their energy, but these drinks are full of chemicals which are harmful to your body. Instead of drinking them, reach for a bottle of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar boosts your energy levels thanks to its enzymes and potassium content that can prevent fatigue. The amino acids help to eliminate the lactic acid in the muscles which is formed after working out.

  1. Digestive aid

Stomach problems can be relieved by drinking a mix of apple cider vinegar and some water or juice. This type of vinegar helps with its strong antibiotic properties, and according to some experts, the pectin in it helps in cases of intestinal spasms.

  1. Weight loss

Apple cider vinegar has the ability to make you feel full for a longer time, which is crucial for weight loss. A study discovered that the acetic acid in this type of vinegar slows down the fat buildup. If the flavor is too strong for you, add it to juices, salads or dilute it with some water and then, drink it!

  1. Wart remover

Soak a cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar and apply it on the wart until it falls off. Although the effect of apple cider vinegar on warts is not yet determined, it’s highly effective and dries the wart quickly.

  1. Clears sinuses

Apple cider vinegar can easily break up mucus, making it an ideal choice for cleaning the sinuses. It has antibacterial properties that help it prevent infections or colds, too. To help you breathe easier, sip some apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

  1. Treats itchy skin and sunburns

Apply some apple cider vinegar on an itchy area of the skin caused by a bug bite, poison ivy or a jellyfish sting. For sunburns, soak in a bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar in it to relieve the pain.

  1. Reduces cholesterol

According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, apple cider vinegar lowered the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in lab rats. The rats were fed a high cholesterol diet along with this type of vinegar.


  1. Neutralizes odors

ACV can quickly eliminate odors in your home. Wherever the odor comes from, put a dish of apple cider vinegar in the area and the odors will be gone soon.

  1. Non-toxic cleaner

Vinegar is one of the best household cleaners. Its raw, unfiltered version contains bacteria that the store-bought version doesn’t have. To make a powerful cleaning solution, mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle, and apply it on any surface to successfully clean dirt, bacteria and toxins. The smell goes away once the vinegar dries.

  1. Weed killer

Apple cider vinegar is a strong weed killer and is more effective than the harmful glyphosate. Mix half a cup of apple cider vingear, quarter of a cup of salt and half a cup of dish soap. This mixture will kill any weed you spray it on, so be careful not to spray it on the flowers in your garden.

Beauty\hygiene uses:

  1. Natural deodorant

Deodorants contain many dangerous toxins that can harm you, but apple cider vinegar helps you fight the bacteria that causes odor naturally. Apply a little bit of this vinegar under your arms and don’t worry about the smell: it will go away as the vinegar dries.

  1. Eliminates feet odor

We already mentioned that it eliminates odors, and that means that it will help you with smelly feet, too. Wipe your toes and feet with a towel soaked in apple cider vinegar to fight the bacteria and odor. It will balance the pH levels, and make your feet smell better.

  1. Facial toner\cleanser

The antibacterial properties make ACV act as a great cleanser for your face and body. It will prevent any break-outs and balance the skin’s pH levels. Dilute some vinegar with some water and apply it on the skin using a cotton ball.

  1. Shiny, flake free hair

Apple cider vinegar is recommended as a weekly hair rinse, which makes the hair shiny and soft. This will balance the pH levels of the scalp, and the acid content will easily clean any build-up of residue. Mix 1/3 of a cup of apple cider vinegar with 4 cups of water and rinse your hair with the mixture after shampooing, before washing it off with some cold water. If you’re having dandruff trouble, spray your scalp with a mixture of this type of vinegar and water twice a week. Leave the mixture on for an hour and then wash your hair as usual.

  1. Eliminates bad breath

Gargle apple cider vinegar to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath and maintain your oral health.

  1. Fades bruises

Rub some apple cider vinegar on bruises and cuts to ease the discoloration and relieve the inflammation.

  1. Whitens teeth

Swish a little amount of apple cider vinegar in your mouth to clean the oral cavity perfectly and make your teeth pearly white. Then, brush your teeth as usual. The vinegar will kill all the bacteria in your oral cavity.


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