You Will Never Throw Away The Banana Peel After Reading This

You Will Never Throw Away The Banana Peel After Reading This

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This very nice yellow fruit  banana  has antifungal, antibiotic and enzymatic properties. Those have good use. High in vitamins B6, B12, magnesium and potassium they are  moist and they’re  very nutritious. Also peel can be of great help

Polish shoes 
Banana peel polishes shoe. Simply rub your shoe with  inside of  peel. At the end buff the shoes with a soft cloth. Potassium in it is also in shoe polish. Its  natural oils soak into leather which helps your shoes last longer.

Brighten up houseplants  

If the leaves on  houseplants looking dingy or dusty, go ahead and  misting them with water — but that just spreads the dirt around. Instead , wipe down each leaf with the inside of a banana peel- removes all the gunk ,replace it with a lustrous shine.


Rubing banana peel on affected area every night before  bed, reduces inflammation and irritation, and prevent outbreaks.


Banana peels help  eliminate warts, by  applying a piece of the peel on the wart and  bandage it, or you can rub the inner side of the peel on the affected area.

Whiten teeth 

The potassium in banana peels is thought to help whiten your teeth. Well take banana that looks just ripe (which is when the potassium levels are optimal) and open it from the bottom end upward. Rub the inside of the peel against your teeth all the way until they’re completely coated in banana paste.

Apply for two minutes, and leave about ten. At the end, brush your teeth with toothpaste to remove the residue.

Bug Bites 

Banana peel calms skin and reduce itching

Rashes and itches 

Banana peels -amazing in relieving rashes and itches so,simply rub the banana peel over the affected area . Do it twice a day until it disappears.


Banana peel can cure psoriasis, In just a few days,  Rub it on the affected area once or twice in a day, and it has ability to moisturize  skin, relieve itchiness

Helps with Hemorrhoids 

In the case of hemorrhoids peel of this amazing fruits is also effective. Just rub the peel on the affected area for about five minutes, 4-5 times in a day.


Can help you heal the root cause of the pain due to its high potassium content. Hold  the peel  across your forehead and across the back of your neck.


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