Unhealthy Food Cravings are a Sign of Mineral Deficiencies

Unhealthy Food Cravings are a Sign of Mineral Deficiencies

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Have you ever had that moment when you just want to eat unhealthy food?

Even the most disciplined health conscious person from time to time may feel the need to chow down on a doughnut or two, maybe have some salted potato chips and chocolates. More often than not after eating these foods you may tend to still have the craving for more unhealthy foods. Studies have now discovered that these cravings may just be an indication that your body actually requires and desires some minerals contained in these unhealthy foods.

Minerals that are best obtained from healthy foods like whole grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Staying committed to these healthy foods will end your cravings for unhealthy foods as all the minerals your body would need will be obtained and in sufficient quantity.

Taking a look at the minerals in some unhealthy foods
Sugary foods (Carbon, Chromium, Sulfur, Tryptophan and Phosphorus)

Sugary foods have the five minerals stand above and if you regularly crave for a sugar coated doughnut for example, your body could be deficient in any or all of the minerals highlighted.

  • Carbon is an element from which sugar is derived.
  • Chromium is a mineral that regulates the blood sugar levels in your body.
  • Sulfur helps in detoxifying your body.
  • Tryptophan is a serotonin regulator and
  • Phosphorus is responsible for enabling your body to generate energy.

These minerals are found in whole grains, cereals, nuts, seeds, dark leafy vegetables, fish and mushrooms. All you need to do in getting rid of your sugar cravings is to diligently stick to natural foods and a healthy diet.

Chocolate (Magnesium)

Magnesium is a mineral found in chocolate and your insatiable craving for chocolate could just mean that you are deficient in this macro-mineral. It has been reported that about 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. This macro-mineral is influential for over 300 biochemical reactions in your body, so it is very essential.

Magnesium is responsible for your ability to relax after a hard day at work, it is therefore also called the “relaxation mineral.” This nickname was given to this mineral because insomnia, high blood pressure, irritability and anxiety are symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

It could explain why if you eat a chocolate bar you may feel relaxed especially if you are magnesium deficient as the small amount of magnesium in it would help. However, there are more viable and healthy sources of magnesium you should seriously consider.

Fish, beans, molasses, nuts, seeds and dark green leafy vegetables are all great sources of magnesium and regular intake of these healthy foods will surely put a halt to your chocolate cravings.

Source: Healthy-Holistic-Living








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