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Being sick is one of the worst feelings in the world. Hence, when we are sick or when we do not feel well, the first thing we usually grab is tea.

Of course, we are all aware of the benefits that green tea has on our health and that it provides many healthy advantages for us and our health.


However be careful with this. Sometimes a healthier choice would be to go for caffeine-free tea. This is why we are going to show you how to make the healthiest of teas.

This healthy and nutritious tea is sure to make you feel much better, while helping you fight off many health problems, such as menstrual cramps, colds, or even diabetes in some cases.

This great tea is very easy to make. Made from easy available ingredients you can find at home, it will be incredibly easy to make. All you have to do is follow these simple directions and you will have your amazing tea.

Honey Ginger Cinnamon Tea


  • 1 ½ cup filtered water
  • 1 stick Ceylon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • thumb-sized piece fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon raw organic honey


  1. The first thing you need to do is put the water in a small saucepan and heat it on medium heat.
  2. Next, while waiting for the water to come to a boil, you can save time and chop the ginger.
  3. Once the water has started to boil, you should add the chopped ginger in the saucepan.
  4. Remember to reduce the heat on low and wait until it simmers.
  5. Then, you should add the cinnamon and let it simmer for approximately 5 minutes.
  6. After the 5 minutes have passed, you should strain the tea into a cup.
  7. Only after you have done this, can you add the honey and lemon juice


Benefits of the Mixture:


Were you aware of the fact that only 1 gram of cinnamon a day can lower the blood sugar levels and horrible cholesterol levels (LDL) in people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes? Studies have found that several people use this healthy spice to manage their condition and prevent complications in their health conditions. These include: problems with vision, heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, numbness, etc.


Helps in Fighting the Flu

Did you know that the most active and effective compound found in ginger is Gingerol? Just a few things about this compound: it provides the anti-viral antibacteria characteristics for ginger and the root helps in relieving lung inflammation and muscle pain related with the infection.This makes it very useful when used in fighting the cold and the flu. Honey is one of the healthiest and rare natural foods found today . One of its major benefits are the coating of the through, in order to decrease the swelling. Honey also relieves the pain caused by extreme coughing.

Eases menstrual symptoms

Just like we stated above, ginger has several health properties and benefits. In addition to these things, it also soothes menstrual cramps in a health and quite natural way. I’m sure you are wondering how ginger helps with menstrual cramps. For one thing, it functions by constraining pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxane’s. These are the most common cause for the discomfort and pain while the menstrual cycle is active. The ginger root also helps in decreasing the blood loss in women, especially those who suffer from HMN (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding).

Soothes nausea

We have found many more benefits of ginger, like the fact that ginger can also help with vomiting, migraines, and nausea. You can also use ginger to treat motion sickness, especially in children. We have also found that medical experts use ginger and its amazing healing characteristics to prevent the vomiting and nausea that is associated with chemotherapy. Finally, adding ginger to your food and drinks helps in digestion and helps prevent bloating.


Aids in the treatment of arthritis

At the University of Miami, an interesting study was piloted by group of researchers who have found that ginger extract could be used as a substitute to anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) and nonsteroidal drugs. Approximately 250 participants were used to conduct this study and the interesting part is that they all had osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. What we find amazing is that ginger reduced their pain and stiffness and knee joints by 40 % over the placebo effect.

Fights cancer

One of the most amazing things about ginger is that it has the ability to destroy cancer cells in 2 ways:
Apoptosis – cancer cell suicide
Autophagy – cancer cells are tricked into digesting themselves

** Medical experts have found that this spice is a natural treatment for ovarian cancer and have recently been studying it intensely.

As you can conclude from this article, ginger holds several healthy benefits that can help fight off many things. We suggest having it with tea as often as possible. Also, try to keep ginger inside your kitchen at all times and use it as often as possible.


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