This Is What The Color And Smell Of Your Poop Is Telling...

This Is What The Color And Smell Of Your Poop Is Telling You About Your Health

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Can you believe that the color and shape of your poop can reveal whether you are healthy or not?

There are various symptoms which can be linked with different kinds of diseases. But are you aware that your poop can actually indicate that there is something wrong with your health? It is very important to be able to link these changes with a certain medical condition. Learn how:


Recognize your poop

The poop can differ in color, size, smell and consistency. The experts divided the poop in 7 groups:

Each type is explained in the text below:

What your poop should look like

The normal poop contains 75% water and 25% of cholesterol, dead bacteria, miscellaneous cells and mucus.

The poop’s appearance depends on what you have eaten or drunk. It takes 18- 72 hours to be formed. The food is firstly digested and then processed. If you suffer from diarrhea it means that the bowels didn’t use as much water as they should so the poop is processed too quickly. If your body needs more than 72 hours to get rid of the poop, then you suffer from constipation.

Stool type 1 – Small, hard lumpy stools       

This poop indicates that you suffer from inflammation of small intestine. The lumps in the poop are solid, small and abrasive and are usually from 1-2 cm in diameter. They can cause pain when they are released as they are solid and scratchy which can sometimes cause anal bleeding.

Stool type 2 – Sausage shaped stools with a cracked surface

This type of stool is caused by constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Stool type 3 – Sausage shaped stools with lumps

This type of stool is actually a combination of the first two types. This stool usually appears due to constipation and because it was stuck in the bowels for several weeks. It is painful and cannot pass easily. This type of stool may indicate that you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Stool type 4 – Soft blobs of poop with well- defined edges

This  stool is actually the perfect type of poop. It has a diameter of 1-1.5 cm.

Stool type 5 – Sausage shaped stools, soft and smooth

This type of poop is also normal and has a diameter of 2 cm. People who defecate once a day usually have this type of stool.

Stool Type 6 – Fluffy Stools That Have Ragged, Torn, Edges

This stool is very soft and is linked with stress and high blood pressure.

Stool Type 7 – Diarrhea Type-Loose

Although it is similar with usual diarrhea, this type of condition is called paradoxical diarrhea. It is combined with constipation and children and elderly usually have this type of diarrhea.


The color of the stool is also linked with various symptoms. The normal stool should have medium/light brown color.

Black tar, or bright red colored stools – this stool indicates that there is bleeding in the GI or anal tracks. This color can appear due to taking certain remedies as well.

Very pale brown, gray or white stools – This color can be linked with a lack of bile, but white stools can appear due to taking antacids. Also, you must be aware that these types of discolored stools may be caused by some medical conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and pancreatic illness.

Yellow colored stools – can indicate gallbladder problems or a giardia infection.

The smell

We know that poop smells bad, but it can smell worse. The awful smell can indicate: Celiac disease, a problem with absorption, Crohn’s disease, Cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis.


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