They are rich in beta carotene producing vitamin A. We need this vitamin for the health of the eyes, bones and the overall immune system.

There are different potato colors with numerous healthy benefits. But the most common one is the yellow- orange or white- cream flesh. The ones that have the most antioxidants are the purple ones. So if you see them somewhere buy them right away.

Here are the reasons why you should consume sweet potatoes:

  • Diabetics: The natural sugar that is contained in the sweet potatoes regulates and stabilizes the insulin resistance and the blood sugar levels.
  • Digestion: Because of their richness in the dietary fibers they help prevent colon cancer and relieve constipation.
  • Prevents Emphysema: Usually smokers suffer from lack of Vitamin A and suffer from emphysema ( damaging of the air sacs). Sweet potatoes help the regeneration of the respiratory system with the help of the carotenoids that they contain.
  • Immune System: Vitamin D is necessary for the thyroid gland, teeth, bones, heart, skin and energy level. It can be found in the sweet potatoes.


  • Healthy heart: Sweet potatoes, thanks to the potassium in them, help regulate the blood pressure and balance the electrolytes. They negate the sodium impact and improve the heart function. Because of the richness in vitamin B6 they help prevent strokes, degenerative diseases and heart attacks.
  • Healthy muscles and tissues: Sweet potatoes regulate the nerve signals sent to the brain and the heart beats. They help against muscle cramps and reduce swelling as well.
  • Anti-oxidant: Reduce aging effect, breast cancer, help with asthma, gout and arthritis.
  • Fetal development: They contain folic acid necessary for the health of the fetal tissue and cell development during pregnancy.
  • Anti – stress : We already know how the potassium helps the body, regulating the water balance in the body, normalizing the heart beats and the oxygen flow, but the magnesium found in the sweet potato function as anti-stress agent, helping the hole body system.
  • Vitamin C: This Vitamin is essential for the entire body and can be found in the sweet potatoes.
  • Anemia: Helping the production of the white and red blood cells fights the anemia thanks to the iron found in the sweet potatoes.
  • Youthful Skin: When boiling the potatoes don`t throw away the water. Use it to clean your pores, absorb impurities and sooth irritated spots on your skin. The anthocyanin helps in removing wrinkles, dark circles around the eyes and the puffiness of the eyes.
  • Premenstrual Symptoms : Treat the menstrual symptoms with the magnesium and iron found in the sweet potatoes.
  • Quality hair: Hear growth and preventing its damage is helped by the beta carotene found in the sweet potato.
  • Minerals: There are important minerals found in the sweet potato like potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium and iron, essential for the carbohydrate, protein and enzyme metabolic process in the body.


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