How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally?

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High cholesterol levels can be caused by several factors such including the food and drinks you consume. It is not a disease, but it causes numerous diseases which is why everyone should try and lower their cholesterol levels naturally. Here are some natural ways of lowering cholesterol:

Orange juice

Freshly squeezed orange juice is a delicious drink which is able to lower your cholesterol levels naturally. Only a single orange a day can do wonders for your body.

Herbal tea

A herbal tea made from ginger, peppers and water is great for lowering the cholesterol in your blood. Add a teaspoon of honey in the end to taste and enjoy the tea while it is still warm.


Ginger is a powerful plant which can reduce cholesterol and improve your blood circulation, making it easier for the blood to reach different parts of the body and prevent numerous diseases.


Chromium is a mineral which can reduce your cholesterol levels besides regulating your blood sugar levels and insulin usage in the body. Take chromium pills or eat chromium-rich foods every day to keep your body functioning properly.


The skin of grapes contains helpful compounds which can reduce cholesterol.

Red yeast

Red yeast can reduce your cholesterol levels naturally – it lowers the levels of the “bad” LDL cholesterol specifically and improves your overall health.


Although not many people like the taste of oatmeal, it is a rich source of fiber and compounds which can lower cholesterol. Besides oatmeal, eat more fiber-rich foods such as legumes in order to keep your cholesterol levels low.

A glass of red wine

A glass of red wine for lunch will raise the levels of the “good” cholesterol while lowering the levels of the “bad” cholesterol in your blood. Red wine also contains antioxidants which will keep you healthy.


Regular exercise like jogging, cycling or swimming will certainly lower your cholesterol levels and improve your overall health.

Eat food in small quantities

Instead of eating 3 big meals, try consuming several smaller meals a day, which will help you decrease the level of bad cholesterol in your blood.

Sticking to the aforementioned advices will keep your cholesterol levels regulated and your body properly functioning.



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