Get Rid of Bloated Belly And Lose Weight Overnight

Get Rid of Bloated Belly And Lose Weight Overnight

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Having a huge, bloated stomach is difficult and visually uncomfortable. You won’t squeeze into your preferred clothes and you will feel as if you swallowed a basketball.


Bloated belly is a result of extra fluid and gasses in the stomach area.


Even so, there is a solution; drinking lots of water and freshly squeezed juice is effective in reducing the bloating.


Here we present you, a perfect recipe that could fix the problem:



  • A small piece of ginger root
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • Half a head of fennel
  • Half a pineapple



Put all the ingredients in the food processor and blend them for half a minute before putting some water. Drink the beverage in the morning on an empty stomach.


Health benefits from this amazing and healthful ingredients.

Celery is able to prevent water retention and remove excess salt from your body.
Pineapple is full of enzymes which improve digestion, while ginger and fennel restore the intestinal microflora.
Combining all these healthy ingredients will reduce your bloating and prevents any digestive problems!


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