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The medical experts say that fungal infections can affect any part of the body. Note: fungi are normally present in and on the body alongside various bacteria.

When a fungus begins to overgrow, you can get an infection.Onychomycosis, also called tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that affects either the fingernails or toenails. You should also know that fungal infections normally develop over time, so any immediate difference in the way your nail looks or feels may be too subtle to notice at first.

They also say that a fungal nail infection occurs from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or on the nail. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, so this type of environment can cause them to naturally overpopulate. The same fungi that cause jock itch, athlete’s foot, and ringworm can cause nail infections. So, this means that the fungi that are already present in or on your body can cause nail infections. If you have come in contact with someone else who has a fungal infection, it may have spread to you. The medical experts also say that fungal infections affect toenails more commonly than fingernails because your toes are usually confined to your shoes, where they’re in a warm, moist environment.

You should be very careful and if you get a manicure or pedicure at a nail salon, be sure to ask how the staff disinfects their tools and how often they do it. Tools, such as emery boards and nail clippers, can spread fungal infections from person-to-person if they’re not sanitized. Both men and women can suffer from this both health and aesthetic problem. But, you shouldn’t be worried because in this article we are going to show you how to get rid of toenail fungus – in all natural way. It’s very simple – you just have to soak your feet in one of these mixtures. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Yogurt–is loaded with the live bacteria – acidophilus. This bacterium makes the yogurt extremely useful remedy for any type of foot infections that usually develop in the area between the nails and toes. The yogurt also contains the friendly type of microorganisms, which are extremely effective in destroying the fungal infections. Here’s what you need to do – you just have to soak your feet in yogurt, or you can just rub yogurt all over your feet and leave it dry. When it’s dried, wash your feet with cold water.
  • Sodium Bicarbonate – first, you should know that baking soda is also very useful in treating this health problem. Here’s what you need to do: you just have to mix cold water and sodium bicarbonate. You need to keep in mind this ratio 1:3 when you are making this combination. Then, apply this powerful combo to your shoes and allow it to air-dry. This useful combo will destroy all the potential bacteria in your shoes.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide–hydrogen peroxide works great in treating fungal infections as well. Here’s what you need to do – you just have to soak your feet in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and cold water. With this natural method, you will kill all unpleasant fungal infections and prevent them from spreading. Here’s how to make this mixture. You need to add 100 ml of 3% pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of distilled water and soak your feet for 20 minutes. You need to repeat this method every morning until you get rid of the fungal infections.
  • Corn Starch– you can add starch in different types of pastes and mixtures that prevent the unpleasant bacteria and fungi is great. This is because starch is an amazing absorbent. It absorbs the moisture extremely efficiently. Here’s what you need to do – you just have to mix ½ tsp. of corn starch with a little bit of warm water. Then, set the oven to 220° and keep the mixture in the oven until it goes dark. Wash and dry your feet before you apply this mixture on them. When you rub this mixture, leave it for 1 minute and then wash is off with warm water. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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