What kind of a child were you? Were you born the first, the middle or the youngest? In this article we’re going to present you how your birth order shapes your personality and how you will act throughout your entire life as a mature adult.

Every single parent is able to see differences between their kids, whether it is their looks, passions, habits, type of food they like and last but not least, their different personalities. An interesting research claims that children tend to act and evolve differently depending on their birth order. Parents are the ones that need to understand this as soon as possible so that they can understand their children better. Unique traits in personalities have been identified by researchers for firstborn, middle born, last born children, as well as for the only child. In a case where the age gap between children is really big, they may take on the role of a first born, rather than middle or last born. Adopted children will fill in the role where they are placed inside a family, and that will determine their personality later.

Have you ever asked yourself why your brother or sister has their mind in another place, painting pictures and taking walk in nature instead of joining and taking part in the neighborhood group event after school? Have any of your family members ever complained that you are too bossy? If these questions are common in your family, then you are not alone. This happens in all families and birth order plays a major role. An imprint upon your personality really exists because of the order in which you were born. Researchers have been able to identify several unique traits held by first borns, middles, last borns and only children.

First Borns

First born children tend towards perfectionism, being trained by parents who, as new parents, invest anxiously in trying to do everything right for their child. First born children take this way of being upon themselves as a result of that.

They tend to interact well with adults in general when they are kids. First borns can be often overly cautious. They tend to worry and like to be in control over things. They often think they are more competent than others. This type of children is usually high achieved in all areas – professionally, in school and even in appearances. These children are diligent workers and like to excel and achieve.

Characteristics of First Borns:

  • perfectionist
  • achiever
  • leader
  • bossy
  • responsible
  • motivated
  • conscientious
  • controlling
  • cautious
  • reliable

Source : www.homehealthyrecipes.com


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