9 Exercises To Burn Abdominal Fat In 14 Days

9 Exercises To Burn Abdominal Fat In 14 Days

According to WebMD, belly fat consists of subcutaneous and visceral fat, with visceral fat being a “deep” type of fat that wraps the organs. It has a role in insulin resistance and is increases the risk of diabetes. Visceral fat

releases leptin which is a hormone that affects appetite regulation, learning and memory and makes it hard for you to subdue cravings. A recent study pointed out that people with large bellies also have an increased risk of dementia.

If you had to deal with it, you know that belly fat is hard to melt down, but can be reduced with a healthy diet and exercise.

Belly-busting exercise routine

We can divide this routine into three groups – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Start from the beginner group and work your way up slowly.

Beginner moves

  1. Butterfly crunch

Start by lying on your back and let the soles of your feet touch each other. Put your hands behind your head and lift your chest off the floor, being careful not to lift your lower back. Then, lower yourself into the starting position and do 3 sets with 10 repetitions each.

  1. Hip lifts

Lie on the side and bend your knees with your elbow on the ground. Raise your right arm and lift the left hip off the ground. Repeat 2 sets of the exercise with 15 repetitions each.

  1. Front plank

Targets: transverse abdominals

You have probably familiarized yourself with the plank, a very popular muscle toning exercise. Start by supporting your weight evenly on the hands and knees, then lower your chest and keep the elbows at shoulder width. Lift your knees and support your weight on the toes, then squeeze your legs and glutes while keeping your back straight. Hold this position for 30 seconds in the start, then slowly start adding time each day.

Intermediate moves

1.Toe touch

Targets: rectus abdominus


Start by lying on your back with your legs above the hips and arms above shoulders, then lift the shoulder blades and reach for your toes while exhaling. Drop down slowly, but don’t let the shoulder blades touch the ground. Do 2 sets of the toe touch with 15 repetitions each.

  1. Scissor lifts

Targets: obliques

Lie flat on the floor and place your arms on your sides, then lift your legs with the knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Lift the left leg up with your right leg lowered and alternate them for 2 minutes. For best results, do 3 sets of the exercise, and for a real challenge, straighten the legs and bring them closer to the floor.

  1. Resistance bend knee tuck

Targets: transverse abdominals

It’s best to use a chair for this exercise. Brace yourself between the backrests with your elbows bent, shoulders down and neck relaxed while lifting your head and chest. Bend your knees slowly and bring them up to your chest, then put them down without touching the ground. Do 3 sets with 15 repetitions each.

Advanced moves

  1. Knee-ups

Targets: rectus abdominus

Take a chair for this exercise. Brace yourself between the backrests with your elbows bent, shoulders down and neck relaxed while lifting your head and chest. Bend your knees slowly and bring them up to your chest, then put them down without touching the ground. Do 3 sets with 15 repetitions each.

  1. Russian twist

Sit on the floor with your back straight and knees bent and your arms extended in the front. Lift your heels off the floor balancing yourself on the tailbone, then rotate the arms on both sides as much as you can. You need to do 3 sets with 20 repetitions each.

  1. Ball leg lift

Targets: transverse abdominals

Lie on your back with the arms to the sides and your knees bent with a ball between your ankles. Extend your arms at 45 degrees and lower them down without the ball touching the floor. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times in two sets.


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