What Happens If You Eat Just 7 Walnuts A Day

Walnuts have a level of antioxidant polyphenols that is twice higher than the one contained in all other types of nuts.
Unfortunately, people do not have the habit to eat walnuts every day.
Walnuts have a level of antioxidant polyphenols that is twice higher than the one contained in all other types of nuts. This makes them able to help the organism fight against free radicals that harm cells and cause diseases, all of which has been shown by the research carried out by the University of Pennsylvania.
Nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, and cashews, are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and proteins, however, scientists point out that people do not consume these nuts in sufficient quantities, as Independent reports.
“Our advice is to eat 7 walnuts a day”-says the head of the research, Dr. Joe Vinson.
Previous research has shown that the consumption of walnuts can significantly decrease the signs of aging, and at the same time protect from heart diseases and some types of cancer.
Soon after it was found out that just seven walnuts a day are sufficient to prevent one from developing heart diseases, these nuts were proclaimed to be a superfood. In fact, nuts are considered the most perfect food that can be found in nature for a long time.
It has also been found out that from all other nuts, walnuts are the ones that contain the highest amount of antioxidants. In addition, whenever we talk about healthy foods for the heart, we always list walnuts among the first three healthiest ones.
Apart from being rich in antioxidants, walnuts are as well rich in healthy fibers, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it’s not surprising that the studies have shown that the regular consumption of walnuts may decrease the risk of developing heart diseases, some types of cancer, and Type 2 diabetes.