What Doctors WILL NEVER Tell You: Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells without Side Effect

We all love to eat apricots, peaches, and plums. We eat them fresh, make maybe a juice from them and to makea lot of healthy desserts. But not everyone knows what kind of power this fruits have. Vitamin B17(Laetrile and
Amygdalin) is belived that it can cure cancer. So everyone thinks that seeds from these fruits are useless and almost everyone throws them when they use the fruit. After reading this article your opinion about these seeds will chage. In this article you can see how apricot seeds can destroy cancerous cells.
There are books about curing cancers. There is one called ‘’World without cancer’’ written by Edward Griffin. He said that this discovery that he wrote in his book is buried by those who wants to make profit from cancer. His discovery is more than thirty years old. He often presents cancer as disturbed metabolism in the body. It is disturbed when the balance of vitamins and minerals is off. Our bodies begin to starve without the necessary vitamins and minerals that are vital for a normal internal processes. This can also cause all other diseases.
Why is this truth about apricot seeds hidden from you?
There are very effective methods hidden from the public, because the Cancer Industry, belive it or not is a 200 billion dollar A YEAR industry, so we don’t need to explain more. The cure for cancer is out there for centuries, but hidden from people, Edward Griffin explains.
So, what makes apricot seeds a remedy to cure cancer?
Because, apricot pits are a great source of amygdalin(called the vitamin B-17). It is greater source of this vitamin than other plant sources. A Himalayan tribe known as the ‘Hanza’ never had case of cancer due to their native diet which is high in apricots. So this substance targets and kills cancer cells while it strengthen your immune sytem to protect you from re-occurrence of cancer.
Four substances are contained in amagdylin: 2 are glucose; one is benzaldyhide, and one is cyanide. People freak out when they read the word ‘cyanide’. Individual constituents of a compound do not have their own properties as long as they are in compound from. You should know this from chemistry. B17 is broken down by the enzyme Rhodanese when it is introduced to the body. The Rhodanese breaks the Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzaldenyde down into 2 by- products, Thiocyanate and Benzoic acid which are beneficial in nourishing healthy cells and forms the metabolic pool production for vitamin B12. The vitamin B17 is in your body for no longer than 80minutes because the Rhodanese is breaking it down. It is proven that sugar is 20 times more toxic than B17 but you still use it.
There is no Rhodanese when B17 comes into contact with cancer cells. There is only another enzyme present called Beta-Gucosidase. Now when when B17 and Beta-Gucosidase come into contact , one chemical reaction occurs and the Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzaldehyde combine synergistically to produce a poison which will kill cancer cells. This process is called selective toxicity(only the cancer cells are targeted and destroyed). Cyanide and Benzaldehyde will kill only the cancer cells because cancer cells do not contain Rhodanese. Everyone belives that what causes cancer is smoking, or constant sunlight or even chemicals in your food that we have today(which they lead to bad health), Dr. Krebs says that cancer is a deficiency disease of vitamin B17. This discovery was banned ,and this is not strange at all because that would ruin the Cancer Industry.
There are recommendations how to use apricot pit kernels. Use around 5 to 7 apricot pit kernels a day(cracked open). If the patient has cancer use 2 to 3 times that. Vitamin B17 is water soluble and non-toxic. People get sick when they use too many seeds at one time. But do not worry about that. Make sure to avoid sugar when you are trying to cure cancer , because the cancer cells depend on glucose for their enerhy instead of oxygen.