Venous Thrombosis: Diagnosis and Treatment!

Venous thrombosis occurs jams thrombus (blood clot) in a vein.
class=”hps”>They can be affected by surfaceveins is called superficial thrombophlebitis or deep vein while talking about deep vein thrombosis.
Thrombosis is always accompanied by phlebitis (inflammation of a vein), and used terms and thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Thrombosis may result from coagulation disorders (disturbances in blood clotting), or may indicate a yet undiscovered malignant disease.
Factors that may contribute to the occurrence of thrombosis are: damage of inner layer of the wall of blood vessels catheter, blood stasis after surgery, oral contraceptives, prolonged sitting with flowing off during the journey (eg. Plane flight), which poses a risk to healthy people.
Clinical picture
Symptoms of an acute disease develop for several hours or for 1 to 2 days. The course of the disease is usually limited, takes 1 to 2 weeks, and then the process of acute and soothes the pain decreases. In the case of superficial thrombophlebitis, the affected vein can be felt under the fingers like a thickened, hard, ribbon-like formation. This is a reflection of the inflammatory response and follow her pain, tenderness, erythema and warmth.
Deep venous thrombosis may be asymptomatic or may manifest as varying degrees of sensitivity, pain, erythema, swelling, heat, changes in skin color or prominent superficial veins.Sensitivity and pain can occur when standing and walking, and to facilitate their suspension with a raised foot. Maximum pain occurs during bending of the ankle with the knee extended, or when standing up with an outstretched foot is called Homan’s sign, and it is essential to distinguish from ordinary muscle pain.
Surface thrombosis is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and physical examination and thereby can usually distinguish acute arterial and deep venous obstruction (blockage). Acute deep thrombosis in more than 50% of cases can not be diagnosed based solely on clinical symptoms, nor are trusted certificate Homan’s sign or edema. Diagnosis is confirmed by noninvasive tests or venography (see the flow of blood through the veins using contrast). If the affected vein thrombosis in the groin or pelvis, in the diagnosis helps duplex ultrasonography. If not diagnosed deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can lead to death due to pulmonary embolism.
DVT is a benign disease, but it can cause a pulmonary embolism, which can lead to death or chronic venous insufficiency (insufficient function of the flow in the veins). Surface thrombosis can also cause the formation of pulmonary emboli but they will not be fatal.
Surface thrombosis requires no special treatment other than relief of symptoms, placing warm compresses over the affected vein and taking an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) pain and calm inflammation. Antibiotics are not necessary, nor is it required hospitalization. In DVTa the patient must be immediately hospitalized because of the need to prevent a pulmonary embolism and chronic venous insufficiency. It is given heparin and the patient lies with elevated leg wraps and possible if there is no arterial insufficiency.
Antibiotics are provided only if it is present, and infection. After heparin, passes to an oral treatment with warfarin, and the length of intake depends on a patient, typically from 2 to 6 months. When you reduce the edema, the patient should wear an elastic stocking when walking, to control edema that can occur during walking.