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Are you ashamed of smiling in pictures because of your teeth? Many people wish they could have bright beautiful teeth.  Healthy teeth and gums are indicative of our wellbeing. Some people believe that our mouths can show the

health of our entire body. Did you know that diseases can be prevented just by having keeping up with your oral health?

Until now most people believe the only way they can have white teeth is by doing laser treatment or by using harmful chemicals. Researchers found out how to get brighter and healthier teeth naturally without the toxic chemicals or spending thousands.


By using the following ingredients and tips, you can get the teeth you’ve been wanting for what seems like forever. Most people get results in just 3 days, but coffee or wine drinks might take a little longer as the teeth are more stained.

  1. Baking soda

Just add a tiny bit of baking soda to your tooth paste for about a week and your teeth will get whiter and whiter as the weeks past. As this can take stains from clothing to counters, it can also take stains off your teeth as well.



  1. Oil pulling

As many know already this is an amazing way to get white and healthy teeth, for those of you who don’t know yet oil pulling whitens the teeth and can help with gum problems.

Other than whitening the teeth, oil pulling detoxes the entire body. To do this you will need one tablespoon of coconut oil, make sure its liquefied put it in your mouth and swish it for 15 minutes. I usually do this in the morning while in getting ready so the time will go faster and I’m not losing time doing it. After the 15 minutes is up spit out the oil and rinse out the mouth, don’t swallow it and brush your teeth after getting the rest of the oil out of your mouth.

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  1. Strawberries

Even though strawberries are extremely red, they have been proven to whiten teeth. Strawberries contain a natural malic acid that removes the stains off the teeth easily. Strawberries also carry Vitamin C with will take plaque off of the teeth. You can enjoy a tasty snack and whiten you teeth at the same time making it feel less like a chore and more like a treat.

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  1. Electric toothbrush

One of the best inventions for teeth is the electric toothbrush. It removes the stains and plaque off teeth, which no manual tooth brush can do. You don’t have to put so much effort in brushing your teeth and it cleans them better than an ordinary tooth brush would. Did you know that a electric tooth brush can take off old strains without hurting your enamel, kind of like going to the dentist and getting them cleaned. Some of you might not want to spend money on a tooth brush. When you really looking at it you’re actually saving money because you don’t need to go to the dentist as often or pay money because you have a cavity and gum problems.


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