This Syrup Is 10x More Powerful Than Penicillin – Kills All Infections And Bacteria From Your Organism

The winter season is almost over but unfortunately the flu season is still very much present. As the weather improves all the bacteria and infections start rampaging our organism and our immune system just can’t fight it any
more. Antibiotics are always an option but even they can’t stand up against some drug-resistant viruses and have a long list of side effects. It’s always better to try and improve your immune system and restore your health using natural ingredients, which believe it or not can be much more powerful than antibiotics and prescription drugs.
This recipe we’re about to share is 10 times more powerful than antibiotics in treating respiratory infections, sore throat, persistent cough, asthma, breathing difficulties as well as chronic bronchitis. It’s real simple to make and you only need 3 ingredients which everyone has at home.
Garlic cloves (per desire)
½ cup of water
¼ cup of organic ACV
½ cup of organic honey
Health benefits of the ingredients
Garlic is widely known as a powerful natural remedy and has been used for respiratory problems for centuries. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties and boosts the immune system. Garlic has the power to fight mutation changes in viruses. It’s very effective in the fight against new and mutated viruses. Its power comes from the compound called allicin, which is 10 times more powerful than penicillin. All of these properties make garlic a natural superfood which will help you get healthy and stay healthy.
Apple Cider Vinegar has antiviral and antibacterial properties as well which stimulate your immune system and helps it fight off bacteria and viruses. It also contains beneficial enzymes, bacteria and trace minerals which promote overall health and well being.
Honey has effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which relieve cough and soothe sore throat. Organic honey is full of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, and acts as an antioxidant to fight off free radicals.
Chop up the garlic cloves or crush them and add all the other ingredients. Pour the mixture in a jar and leave it during the night so that the mixture can become homogeneous. In the morning strain the mixture and store it in a cold and dark place.
Method of Application
If you’re sick take one tablespoon of this mixture every couple of hours until you feel better. If you’re not sick but you want to improve your immune system take 5 drops of the syrup every day.