The best natural remedy for strengthening the immune system. Jam made from ginger

During the cold season, when a man is most susceptible to colds and other viral infections, it is necessary to take care of their health. For this it is necessary to strengthen your immune system.
We have prepared a recipe, real vitamin bomb – jam with ginger lemon and honey. This treat will help you to strengthen your own health and their loved ones.
Jam with ginger lemon and honey.
You will need the following ingredients:
– 1 medium ginger root
– 3 lemons
– 0.5 liters of honey
Wash the lemons, cut into cubes and minced using a blender or chopping.
Peel the ginger and finely grate.
Combine lemon and ginger and pour with honey. Mixtures stir well and pour into a gallon jar.
That’s it! This jam does not require heat treatment. You can keep it for quite a while, thanks to the preservative properties of the honey.
Jam can be added to tea, smear on bread or simply take each day 1 tablespoon.
Be sure that this is one of the best natural ways to boost your immunity during the winter season.