Say Goodbye To High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, And Triglycerides With This Powerful Drink!

The standard American diet has been the subject of a fierce debate over the past few years. The truth is it abounds in unhealthy fats, salt, and sugar, all of which lead to serious health consequences. To be more specific, heart disease, the leading cause of death in America, normally results from an unhealthy diet. Several factors can
contribute to prevention of this condition and these include maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, controlling your blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and last, but not least, quitting smoking.
Say Goodbye To High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, And Triglycerides With This Powerful Drink!
These healthy habits can even help you reverse heart disease if followed strictly. However, the recipe we offer here can give you an additional boost in maintaining a good health.
Cholesterol and triglyceride reducing remedy
– 1 clove of grated raw garlic
– freshly squeezed lemon juice of half a lemon
– half a teaspoon grated organic ginger
– 1 tbsp. organic apple cider vinegar
– 1 tbsp. organic, raw honey
Using a food processor, mix all the ingredients until well-blended. Put the mixture in a jar and refrigerate.
Consume moderately before each meal throughout the day. In case the taste is too strong for you, dilute it with some water, or simply, add it to your favorite smoothie.
Raw garlic reduces triglyceride, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, several animal studies confirm. This vegetable is also beneficial for preventing and reversing atherosclerosis.
Ginger is another nutriment that considerably lowers triglycerides and cholesterol levels in people suffering from diabetes, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, and alcoholism.
Apple cider vinegar controls blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as high triglyceride and cholesterol levels in patients affected with type 2 diabetes.
Honey protects cholesterol buildup in blood vessels.
It’s important to know that lowering your cholesterol and triglyceride levels will significantly reduce your risk of heart disease. In addition, cutting out highly processed foods, while including more healthy fats into your diet along with regular exercise, is also important.