Put Apple Cider Vinegar on Your Face and SEE What Happens to...

Put Apple Cider Vinegar on Your Face and SEE What Happens to Toxins, Eczema and Age Spots

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If you have eczema, don’t get upset, you should know that with apple cider vinegar you can resolve the problem very effectively and quickly!


How does ACV treat eczema?

Apple cider vinegar with its content of acetic, malic and lactic acid, and antibacterial and antifungal properties are able to fight against infections, inflammation and itchiness. Its content of beta-carotenes can stimulate cell renewal.

ACV can treat numerous skin conditions and also reinforce immune system with its content of vitamins and minerals like: magnesium, iron, potassium, pectin, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and sulphur.  Also rich with fiber it flushes out the toxins.


5 reasons to wash your face with apple cider vinegar

Used as a regular facial wash ACV has positive effects on rejuvenation of skin, but make sure do not use undiluted on your face. For this purpose make a solution of 50% vinegar with 50% water and first you should try it on small spot on your skin to check sensitivity.

Here are five reasons why you should wash your face with apple cider vinegar:


Reduces age spots

Because of alpha hydroxy acids in ACV, which is able to remove dead skin cells and  to stimulate skin renewal, washing face daily basis will reduce age spots. Take cotton ball soak it in ACV mixture then apply it on certain spots and after half an hour wash your face with cold water. To achieve the desired effect you have to do it two times a day, six weeks.


Fights acne, pimples and blemishes

 With its antifungal and antibacterial properties ACV can do the same as commercial products, it will reduce and prevent acne, pimples and clear blemishes. So, it is better to use ACV then commercial products for acne.


Balances the skin pH

Because ACV balances skin’s pH levels and sebum production, it should be used to prevent skin to become too dry or too oily, it maintain balance.


Fights against wrinkles

Every day wash your face with diluted ACV to remove wrinkles and fine lines from face, and it will make your skin silky smooth.


Removes toxins

If you use ACV regularly it will extract all the toxins from the face and will prevent further problems.


How to use ACV for eczema

There are many ways to treat eczema with apple cider vinegar to treat this condition, but these ones are most effective:


  1. ACV diluted in water



  • 2 teaspoons of ACV
  • 1 cup of water
  • 3 cotton balls



Soak a cotton balls in mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (in a small bowl), then   apply them on your face. You have to repeat this process until condition goes away.

Note: for sensitive skin: mix 1 teaspoon of ACV with half a cup of water.


  1. Apple cider vinegar bath



  • Half a cup of ACV
  • On your choice what kind of moisturizer you will use



Put apple cider vinegar in bath and soak your body, after 15 minutes pat yourself dry and apply moisturizer. For better effects, repeat the procedure every day. If you add some coconut oil in your bath, it can make further improvement.


  1. Take apple cider vinegar orally



  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of water



If you want to strengthen your immune system drink the solution 2-3 times a day to  and it can also relieve skin conditions.


  1. Apple cider vinegar and baking soda



  • 2 teaspoons of ACV
  • ¼ of a teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)



Stir well ACV, baking soda in the water and drink it. Do this every day until you see desired effects. If you like add honey for better taste.


  1. Apple cider vinegar and honey

Combination of apple cider vinegar and honey has many healing properties including treating eczema. It has successful results because it can relieve inflammation and irritation in affected area, and if any bacteria present, its antibacterial properties can eliminate.



  • 2 teaspoons of ACV
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 glass of water



Mix together apple cider vinegar, honey and water until honey dissolves and drink the mixture three times a day with meals until condition is resolved.


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