Nine ways to instantly speed up your metabolism and the slimming process

It means faster metabolism and faster weight loss, and that you can achieve with these nine simple tips.
Think of metabolism as the engine of the body, which helps fuel burning fat. Here are a few tricks that will help you accelerate “engine.”
»Required get breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and people who eat breakfast more easily take off excess weight.
»Avoid carbonated drinks, especially before meals. These beverages create appetite, and more likely to overeat.
»Eat carbohydrates, but focus on those “good” like fruits, vegetables and grains.
»Spicing food is your friend. Capsaicin, an ingredient in hot peppers stimulates the burning of calories.
»Drink milk. Calcium located in it helps melting fat.
»Rest. When you’re exhausted, your body does not have enough energy to burn calories.
»Training of the force is the best way to exercise to speed up your metabolism.
»Take time for yourself. Relax every day for 10 – 15 minutes, since stress may be a cause of overweight.
»Eat a lot of protein because it can help you burn up to 200 calories more each day.