How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Get Rid of Headaches and Anxiety

How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Get Rid of Headaches and Anxiety

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For many people, the traditional over-the-counter drugs for headaches caused by stress, dehydration or any other factors are ineffective. Thankfully, there are some natural remedies which will help you relieve headaches quickly.

Lavender is one such ingredient – the purple plant has numerous health benefits as well as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antidepressant effects. You can benefit from it by drinking a lavender lemonade which is easily prepared and contains widely available natural ingredients. Here’s how to prepare it:

1 cup of organic honey
12 cups of water
1 tablespoon of dried lavender flowers
Lemon juice (from 6 lemons)

Cook the honey and water in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil, then remove it from heat and add the lavender flowers. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave it for an hour. Afterwards, strain the mixture and add some cold water and lemon juice while stirring well. This amount of the ingredients should be enough for 6 servings.

Why does lavender work?
Lavender has been used in the past as an anxiolytic drug. It can normalize your mood and has analgesic and mild sedative effects which is why it works well against stress and tension headaches – even a simple thing like inhaling the scent of lavender oil can have positive effects on your headaches.

And, while some scientists are unsure about lavender, there are clinical trials and studies on its efficiency in treating headaches, anxiety and depression. The evidence supports the theory that lavender is one of the most powerful so-called “nutraceuticals”.

The power of hydration
Headaches are often caused by dehydration, so if your mouth is dry or sticky, you feel sleepy and experience decreased urine output, your body is probably improperly hydrated. A lemonade will hydrate your body and it is just the thing it needs to restore balance from within and get rid of the headache.

Other ways to use lavender to relax

– If you’re experiencing dry skin, soak yourself in a lavender essential infused bath.
– Diffuse 10-12 drops of lavender essential oil at your workplace to relieve stress naturally.
– Mix 2 drops of lavender essential oil in your favorite lightly scented organic oil to create a body oil that can improve the quality your skin, relax your mind and keep insects away.


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