He’s 113 Years Old and He Reveals His Recipe for Longevity

Bernardo LaPallo is 113 years old and he wants to reveal to all people the types of food that have contributed to his well-being and to his amazing longevity. Born in the distant 1901, Bernando continues to be vital and he
believes that his good health and long life span are a result of the special diet. This Arizona man says that he has avoided eating red meat and that his diet was mainly based on organic fruit and vegetables.
He practiced this specific way of dieting according to the instructions and advice of his father who was a doctor as well as a much disciplined man. “Eat properly and get your rest,”; “He told me not to eat ordinary red meat,”; “He said lamb is okay but red meat, stay away from it. Hot dogs, french fries and all those things don’t eat it.” (Bernardo LaPallo cited by Casper, S., 2011) “LaPallo claims he’s never been sick a day in his life. He walks every morning and eats mostly organic fruits and veggies.” (Casper, 2011) Here are the types of food most prevalent in his diet: Garlic Garlic has been used as a medicine for centuries, primarily due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Honey Honey is the best natural sweetener that abounds in healing ingredients. If you want to sweeten your meal, Bernando recommends using honey. Continue on next page……
Cinnamon This aromatic ingredient also contains beneficial properties. It can reduce the cholesterol level in your blood and serve as a preventive against diabetes. Chocolate This delicious ingredient is worthy to be called “food of the gods”, the actual meaning of the scientific name (Theobroma)for cacao plant. If you thought that chocolate is meant only for children, you were wrong. Bernando claims that chocolate is a key ingredient of long life. Olive Oil This oil has a beneficial effect upon one’s overall health and therefore everyone should consume it more often. “Use olive oil on your skin,”, “Rub your feet rub your arms you’ll never rust.” (BernandoLapallo cited by Casper, S., 2011) Reference: Casper, S. ((2011, Aug 17). 110-year-old Valley man says 5 foods helped him live long life. Retrieved July 6, 2015, from abc15 Arizona http://www.abc15.com/news/region-southeast-valley/mesa/valley-man-turns-110-years-old-and-said-5-foods-helped-him-live-long-life