Get Rid of the Stain: No Need For Surgery, or to Laser!

Stains, black or brown spots on our skin, we get to
class=”hps”>the age of 20 or 30 years. How much stain will appear on your body and what they will be affected by genetics, hormones and exposure tosunlight. Every change on the skin, especially on moles, one should tell the doctor.
There are natural remedies that can affect the stain. Before any application on it, it is important to know your moles. Know how many of them around you, who are in shape, you change the color, size and so on.
All the major changes is well communicated to the dermatologist or general practitioner, toeliminate the possibility that these changes are carcinogenic character. Here are natural substances that affect the stain:
1. Garlic
The most effective remedy for blemishes because it contains enzymes that break down the cells responsible for the formation of pigments. Also, garlic brightens skin. All you need to do is to crush a piece of garlic, put it on the stain and paste patch.
Keep it that way overnight. A few days repeat this procedure, but if I come off the stain.Reportedly, in just five days.
2. Apple cider vinegar
It is often used just to remove unwanted moles. Acetic acid by dehumidified, but easier on the waste from the skin surface. Dip a cotton ball in vinegar and place it on the stain. Paste the plaster and leave overnight. Repeat the next 10 days and the stain will come off.
3. Castor oil
It effectively removes warts and blemishes by making them gradually dissolves. This method will not leave scars, but it requires a lot of time because castor oil, removes stains, layer by layer.Take a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of castor oil. You can mix and crushed aspirin.
Gently massage the paste on the stain. Leave to dry. Repeat this twice a day for a month. If you do not have baking soda in the house, only applying castor oil.
4. Flax oil
This oil is very good for removing moles that are raised from the skin. It softens and loosensstain the edges, but can be easily removed. Since flaxseed, honey and flax oil make the mixture.Apply to the stain and leave on for at least an hour.
Lubricate at least three times a day, a few weeks until it falls off.
5. Pineapple juice
Fresh pineapple juice is good if you want to lighten the stain, can also make it less noticeable.Soak a cotton ball in the juice of pineapple. Leave the slick, until juice is absorbed.
For best results, use freshly squeezed juice, a can of almost all citrus juices.