Researches suggest that lemon or lemon water can considerably improve and boost fat burning process and losing weight.
This lemon diet is what you have always needed and should definitely try this lemon diet because of losing one kilogram a day.
This is know “the lemon cleansing”, given by medical experts due to the fact that this cleanses the body of harmful toxins accumulated in body.
Also speed up metabolism, improves function of immune system. Body starts feeling fresh also full of energy.
- half a cup of honey
- six lemons juice
- eight cups water
- ten mint leaves
- a few ice cubes
Heat water just a little bit ,should not be hot or boiling Precisely, temperature of the water should not be higher than 60 degrees.
Then put all the ingredients in the water and stir for about two minutes after that remove the bowl from heat.
When it cools off, place in fridge and let it stay several hours. When done, strain the mixture to start consuming this beverage.
How to use it:
Add one ice cube in every cup before consumption as the human body uses extra energy to warm the cold drinks and foods.
Take a glass of this lemon drink before breakfast and it should have be salad. At 11 h take another glass of this drink, and some almonds as a snack. For lunch-boiled egg and some lettuce salad that should be prepared with olive oil and apple cider vinegar which help melting fat. At 16.00h take another glass of this lemon water also consume some fruit. Eat grilled fish or chicken and some seasonal salad for dinner. Take one more cup of this drink two hours prior to going to bed.
If only cleanse and detoxify your body, and not lose weight, drink the whole quantity throughout the day.
Consume this drink at least five days, by avoiding eating processed food and other type of unhealthy food.
After one week will be noticed the incredible results.