Your Eyebrows Say A Lot About Your Personality
According to Jean Haner, an expert in “face reading,” your eyebrows reveal more about you than you can actually imagine, including your confidence level, your logic, your motivation and your organizational skills.
Is it likely that your eyebrows give the answer to what kind of person you really are? Read on to discover what the shape of your eyebrows reveals about you.
1. Curved Eyebrows
People with curved eyebrows are considered perfectionists. Your friends probably see you as someone with strong visual perception, because you quickly notice physical details.
2. If Your Eyebrows Curve, You Likewise Have a Creative Side
Many people with angled eyebrows are very crafty and talented. They aren’t necessarily painters, but they do have the vision to make something out of nothing.
3. Naturally Straight Eyebrows
People with straight eyebrows are generally very reliable and down-to-earth. If you belong to this group, everyone, including your family, friends and colleagues can depend on you in times of need.
4. Straight Eyebrows Also Indicate Sensible Approach
These people are exceptionally calm and can handle different assignments at the same time.
5. Eyebrows with an Upward Curve
If your eyebrows have an upward curve, you are most likely prone to rivalry. You’re really ambitious and are excellent for supervisory positions.
6. Upward Curving Eyebrows Can Also Indicate a Hard Working Attitude
The one thing you can’t accept is losing, and you want to excel in everything you do. This often means overindulging at work, which can sometimes seriously affect your relationship.
7. Eyebrows That Curve
People with curving eyebrows are generally reasonable and sensible. Even though they are generally calm and collected, every now and then, they let their feelings overpower their reason. This type of eyebrows also indicates balance.