Bread Made From THESE Ingredients Has The Power To STOP And Reverse Aging!

You can spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic products, Botox, plastic surgeries but the truth is all these products have limited effects and short-term results. Aging is a natural part of life but the process can be
reversed and slowed down if you add certain nutrients to your diet. The following ingredients are guaranteed to bring back your youthful look and make you look at least 10 years younger.
Try this recipe and all your friends will be envious of your time-defying appearance and youthful skin.
We’ll share with you the recipe for the so-called Anti-Aging bread and everyone should find a way to introduce it to the breakfast table. If you eat the wrong ingredients and the wrong food combinations it can leave a lasting effect on your overall health and appearance. That’s what makes this bread so revolutionary; it combines all the right ingredients your body needs to stay healthy and young forever.
This is what you need to make this bread.
- 200gr. buckwheat flour
- 200gr. whole-wheat flour
- 100gr. rye flour
- 1 small bag of baking powder (10-15 gr)
- A pinch of soda bicarbonate
- 4tbsp. olive oil
- 1tbsp. flaxseed oil
- A pinch of rosemary
- ½ liter of water
Mix all the ingredients well and leave it over night to ferment. Preheat the oven to 250 C. Place baking paper in the pan and pour the mixture. Bake the bread from 30-60 minutes, depending on the thickness of your bread. Take it out once it’s done and make sure it’s part of your breakfast every morning.
It will keep you full and energized, but most importantly you’ll notice that youthful glow just after a few days. Try it out you won’t regret it!
Don’t forget to share this amazing recipe with your friends and family, they’ll want to know your secret too.