We are talking about ancient Japanese alternative medicine. According to Jin Shin Jyutsu’s words, using the pressure on a certain finger you will be able to get rid of various pains, insomnia or some other mental blockage.

1. Thumb

By applying pressure to your thumb you will be able to get rid of stomach pain or pains in the abdominal area. Also, thanks to this method you can reduce depression, anxiety, nervousness and sorrow.

2. Index finger

Apply pressure to the index finger in order to get rid of any kind of kidney or bladder related problems. This way you can also reduce fatigue, get rid of cramps, digestive system related problems and back pain.

3. Middle finger

Press your middle finger and hold it if you are dealing with problems with your nerves or liver problems. Also, this is a great way to overcome insecurity and stress. You can also improve your cardiovascular health; get rid of headache, menstrual pains and vision problems.

4. Ring finger

Apply pressure onto this finger in order to improve lungs and digestive tract related problems. You should probably overcome stress and breathing problems.

5. Little finger

If you have heart problems, panic attacks, throat pain, bloating, bone related problems, anxiety and loneliness, then you should apply pressure to the little finger in order to overcome these problems.


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