12 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used That Are More Effective Than Pills

The general use of antibiotics has increased by a tremendous amount throughout the last 20-30 years. This has caused something known as “
target=”_blank”>antimicrobial resistance
“, which has resulted in what people are now calling “superbugs”. These are disease-causing microorganisms that have gradually become resistant to the antibiotics meant to get rid of them.Although antibiotics have now become the go-to remedy for any minor sickness the average person may experience, there have been many remedies developed in the past by our ancestors that are just as, if not more, effective than the pills you get at the pharmacy.
Using foods and herbs and other natural products, the human beings that came before us found natural ways to ward-off disease-causing microorganisms. Here are some of those remedies:
Natural Antibiotics
Oregano is often used for culinary purposes because it works so well as an accompanying flavour to full meals. Aside from it’s great taste, oregano essential oil has been found to be an incredibly effective antibiotic. During the study of it’s antibacterial properties, researches found that oregano essential oil was effective against all of the bacterial strains it was tested against, including E.Coli.
Although it does taste good, oregano is a heck of a lot more than just some additional flavouring!
Vinegar is well-known to be an all-around effective anti-bacterial substance, but did you know that different types of vinegar help fight off different kinds of bacterial strains? For example: Red Wine vinegar works best against bacteria that causes skin infections, such as S. epidermidis, while Apple Cider vinegar works best against bacteria that causes food-borne illnesses.
Vinegar can be applied topically to treat infections on the surface of the skin or it can be ingested in moderate amounts to treat infections inside the body.
Honey has been used throughout history for a variety of different medicinal purposes.
A recent study has concluded that bacteria found in a honeybee’s stomach can reduce the growth of drug resistant bacteria such as MRSA (Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
Researchers found that a variety of infectious bacteria was no match for the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) found in honeybees. This disease fighting bacteria is only found in fresh honey and only lasts a few weeks before it dies, so you won’t be able to get the benefits of it from commercial store-bought honey.
Turmeric has proven to be effective at inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
During a study, a paste was made by researchers using 1 part turmeric powder and 2 parts water. During the study they confirmed that this paste had antibacterial properties against a mixture of different bacteria strains.
Researchers also concluded that there was a possibility of the paste having even greater antibacterial properties if it contained a greater ratio of turmeric to water.
Aside from helping you make tasty bread and warding off vampires, garlic has been shown to be equally as effective at warding off disease causing bacteria and viruses.
During a study to test garlic’s effectiveness at helping fight against the common cold, researchers found that the group of participants that took a garlic supplement everyday had less people catching a cold than the group who did not take any supplement. Researchers also found that the people who had colds in the garlic supplement-taking group weren’t sick for as long as the people who didn’t take the garlic supplement.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
According to a study conducted by the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, grapefruit seed extract is an effective antibacterial agent for over 800 different types of bacteria and viruses.
Grapefruit is also high in antioxidants and vitamin C, making it a perfect fruit for fighting off the common cold.
You may not be familiar with echinacea, but is an incredibly effective medicinal plant when it comes to fighting the common cold.
Researchers have found that echinacea extract was very efficient at boosting your immune system, and it increases the number of white blood cells in your body, further helping you fight off infections.
A review of over a dozen studies which was published in 2014 found that echinacea is indeed effective at preventing you from catching a cold.
Cabbage may help fight against cancer. Compounds in cabbage called “glucosinolates”, which is what gives all cruciferous vegetables their taste, are broken down during metabolism by enzymes known as myrosinases. The byproduct of this reaction is called “isothiocyanates”.
According to researcher Lenore Kohlmeier, “Isothiocyanates may help to disarm carcinogens by getting them out of their toxic state and out of the body,”.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
The medium chain fatty acids in virgin coconut oil has been shown to be the reason that it inhibits the growth in certain types of bacteria.